Welcome to our VERY first Blog Hop here at Created with Love Challenges!
We are so excited to have you join us for this Special "HALLOWEEN" Blog Hop!
We have some great prizes and even some BLOG CANDY when you visit our DT's Personal blogs! A few of the ladies wanted to show their love for you visiting that they are offering up some great blog candy!
We will have 3 RANDOM.ORG drawings
for 3 different winners
Now on to the sponsors for this Hop....
First we have:
Sassy Studios Images, they offered our
DT to choose an image to work with so that's what you will see with our creations.
1 Winner chosen by Random.Org will win her prize of 4 images from her store.
Second we have:
V's Sweet Ideas, and she is offering a $10 gift certificate to
her online store to 1 winner
Third we have:
Pizzazz A Plenty is offering
gift package
of goodies (her choice) worth $10.00 to 1 winner
So if you have arrived here from Created with Love Challenges then you are on the
right track!! If you're just arriving, please be sure to start at the very
beginning, CWLC so you don't miss one thing!!
Here is my "HALLOWEEN" Creation for the blog hop.
I used Sassy Studio Design's Frankstein.
The paper, from K&Company, had the fence, sign, and pumpkin on it.
I added Frank, and the spiders, cat, and bat, which were all cut on my Cricut.
I painted the bat with black Liquid Pearls.
So now on to some more info for the Personal Blog Candy.....
You must become a follower of each DT's Blog (if you are not yet)
You must leave a comment on each DT's Blog.
Here is what I have for Blog Candy
Here is what I have for Blog Candy
(pretty simple rules, we don't want it to be a long drawn out deal,
but we do want you to visit our blogs to see what Great work our DT's do!)
Now before you
leave, be sure to leave me a comment for a chance to win my blog Candy!!
Don't forget to join our challenge this week for a chance to win the 1 of the 3 prizes!!!
Your next stop is
the super talente Dawn! Happy hopping and we look forward to seeing you at CWLC this week!! Good luck!
Here is the Blog Hop Master List so start hopping...
CWLC (start here)
Thanks for joining us on our very first Blog Hop here at CWLC!!!